句子成分是构句的一个单位,毫无疑问英语实词都可以充当一定的句子成分,但英语句子成分的特点是不仅词可以做句子成分,短语和句子也可以做句子成分,这就造成了成分中还可以有成分这一特点,也就是说英语句子成分是一种向内的层级结构,即成分中还可带成分,从句中还可以有从句,比如:Many teenagers are surprised to learn that when you exercise, your body produces some chemicals that make you feel relaxed and increase your ability to concentrate when you study.这个句子中的不定式to learn为状语,这个状语又带了一个宾语,而且是句子作为宾语,宾语从句里还有状语从句(when you exercise)和定语从句(that make you feel relaxed and increase your ability to concentrate)。
English is a language spoken all over the world.(名词)
I don’t like the way you speak. (代词)
To master a language is not as difficult as it is said.(非限定动词短语)
What he said made his friend unhappy.(从句)
The police finally found the missing boy.(单个动词作谓语)
I was doing my homework all day yesterday. (复合谓语)
You can’t expect the world the way you want. (复合谓语)
They are looking for a better way to cut down the cost. (名词短语)
Most children enjoy playing games. (非限定动词短语)
Can you tell me why you did not come to school yesterday? (从句)
We have more boy students than girl students in our class. (名词)
Dolphin is one of the most beautiful creatures under water. (形容词)
A doctor from Beijing will be arriving tomorrow.(介词短语)
So far nobody has claimed the money discovered in the library.(过去分词短语)
I still remember the days when I lived in the countryside with my grandparents. (定语从句)
Sound travels much faster than an airplane but light travels even faster than sound. (修饰动词和副词)
She is extremely beautiful in this dress.(修饰形容词)
When I was young I used to read fairy tales.(修饰句子)
We made him captain of our football team. (名词)
The workers found it impossible to finish the project in two weeks.(形容词)
When she woke up at midnight she found the light still on. (副词)
Mary thought she hadn’t made the students understanding her clearly.(非限定动词)
Social net workings are available to all students in China today. (形容词)
A computer mouse is not a small animal that lives in buildings and open fields. (名词短语)
Seeing is believing. (非限定动词)
What she couldn’t understand was why fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons. (表语从句)
