Sergey Makhno Architects是一家现代乌克兰的建筑及室内设计工作室,由创始人Sergey Makhno创立于2003年。工作室以乌克兰当代风格工作,这种风格将改变斯堪的纳维亚人在世界设计舞台上的形象。
Sergey Makhno Architects is a modern Ukrainian architecture and interior design studio founded by Sergey Makhno in 2003. The studio works in a Ukrainian contemporary style that will change the Scandinavian image on the world design stage.

Project @ Rose House
Sergey Makhno毕业于基辅国立建筑大学和莫斯科设计学院。他直观地意识到未来取决于设计,于是创立了自己同名的工作室并创造了一系列独特的物品, 用他个人设计的家具和装饰元素实现了公寓、餐厅、办公室和精品店的室内空间。Sergey Makhno的主要方向是当代极简主义和折衷主义。
Sergey Makhno graduated from The Kiev State University of Architecture and the Moscow School of Design He realized intuitively that the future depended on design, he founded his eponymous studio and created a series of unique objects, realizing the interior Spaces of apartments, restaurants, offices and boutiques with his personally designed furniture and decorative elements. Sergey Makhno's main direction is contemporary minimalism and eclecticism.

Project @ Live Art
Sergey Makhno经常旅行,并奔走在全世界的每个角落,他是一个极简主义和日本侘寂哲学的信徒。他创造的艺术不仅让人赏心悦目,而且让人乐在其中。他不仅设计咖啡馆、酒吧、或者是餐厅和图书馆,他不在乎设计形式,更在乎的是以人为本的概念。大到一座房子,小到每一盏灯。
Sergey Makhno travels and travels the world and is a believer in minimalism and the Japanese philosophy of wabi-sabi. The art he created was not only pleasing to the eye, but also enjoyable. He doesn't just design cafes or bars, or restaurants or libraries; he doesn't care about the form, he cares more about the concept of putting people first. As big as a house, as small as a lamp.

Project @ Oko House
Sergey Makhno Architects尊重自然,与自然合作创造项目。他们选择天然材料和颜色:木材,混凝土,铜,粘土,亚麻。他们不处理其中的纹理,因为它是一种既能看到木头的温暖又能感受到石头的冷淡的东西,因此工作室善于发现周围的美并展现它。
Sergey Makhno Architects respects nature and works with it to create a project. They chose natural materials and colors: wood, concrete, copper, clay, flax. They don't deal with the texture because it's something that sees the warmth of the wood and feels the indifference of the stone, so the studio is good at finding the beauty around it and showing it.

Project @ Echo House

Project @ Father’s House
