2019年11月24日,下半年的大学英语六级口语考试如期而至,相信同学们在之前的备考中已经准备了许多话题的语料。在口语考试中,同学们一定不要紧张,只要有一定的单词量,那么审题基本上没有什么问题。同时,在组织语言的时候要条理清晰,语言流利顺畅即可。在此,文都四六级老师在第一时间提供 2019 年11月英语六级口语考试参考范例,希望能够帮助广大考生进一步提高口语水平。
个人陈述的主题为 “How to Manage Stress”,那么接下来,我们来看一下就“如何应对压力”这一主题展开的一些常用的表述:
How to Manage Stress (如何应对压力)
When it comes to the stress, some people are afraid of stress. They think that the stresses and strains of work leads to their less joy and happiness. Particularly, students in expanding number begin to be confused about how to cope with the stress of exam. In their view, stress does harm to them both physically and mentally. Based on the survey conducted by Chinese Academic Research, a majority of college students admit that they are confronted with various pressure which makes them puzzled. Here are some critical methods and strategies to deal with the stress. In the first place, playing sports can exert a positive impact on the aspect of relieving heavy stress. As a consequence, those faced with press can do more exercise to relax themselves. In the second place, taking a positive and optimistic attitude towards life plays an indispensable role in our personal growth and future career. From another perspective, when you are in trouble and feel helpless, please take a positive attitude and effective measures to solve those thorny problems. The last but not the least, when you are confronted with enormous stress of exam, I, without reservation, suggest that you should take instant actions. Namely, action speaks louder than words, if you are devoted to the course of preparing for the exam and make progress step by step, you can face the exam in a positive manner.
In a word, we should take a correct and objective attitude towards to stress, particularly the stress of exam. I harbor that we can overcome it with longstanding efforts.