1、一、雕像英文:statue 1、Some of the guns were melted down and used to help build a statue.一些枪炮被回炉后用来建造了一座雕像。
2、2、I stared fixedly at the statue. 我目不转睛地看着那尊雕像。
3、二、雕塑英文:sculpture1、He studied sculpture because he enjoyed working with clay. 他学习雕塑是因为他喜欢玩黏土。
4、2、I take no real interest in monumental sculpture. 我对高大的雕塑没什么兴趣。
6、一、carve1、carving technique technique of sculpture.雕刻技巧。
7、2、Carve up the world market瓜分世界市场。
8、3、That has been wrought or decorated by carving. 雕刻的通过雕刻制成或装饰的。
9、二、sculptv. 雕刻;雕塑,改变,使具有某种形状1、He became interested in sculpting and pottery. 他变得对雕刻和制陶感兴趣了。
10、2、The bronze doors are covered with sculpted reliefs.青铜门上覆有浮雕。