大学生择业考虑因素?大学生择业考虑因素英语作文?The numbers presented by the bar chart above demonstrate several factors taken into consideration for employment of graduates. As is conspicuously illustrated, there appears the largest proportion of the whole-personal development prospects, accounting for 42.78%,which is a sharp contrast to the remaining parts in proportion, followed by 28.08% in salary and 10.24% in interest. Still, other factors such as job stability, working time and pressure as well as occupational outlook make up 6.82%, 4.20% and 3.15% respectively.以上柱状图显示的数字表明了毕业生择业时考虑的几个因素。毕业生是否应该以牺牲生活为代价来选择工作,通常取决于哪个因素被视为驱动力。从上面的分析中,我们可以很容易地得出结论:个人的可持续发展和追求一定质量的生活是就业优先考虑的因素。