1. 用在人名或人称代词前,表示主宾之间有一定的关系。

(1) Dinner is on me.这顿饭我请。
(2) Paul knows we're onto him.Paul知道我们正在喃咕他。
(3)You' re still into monica.你还是对 Monica念念不忘。
(4)lt' s a secret between you and me.这是你我之间的秘密。
(5) I'm behind you.我支持你。
(6) It is beyond me why they ever got married at all.我不明白他们当初为什么要结婚。
(7) Calculus was always beyond me.微积分对我来说太难了。
(8)He' s under amato.他是 Amato手下的人。
(9) He is above me.他是我的顶头上司。
(10) The FBi is after me for fraud.因为诈骗,联邦调查局正在追捕我。
(11) My son' nose is from me.儿子的鼻子像我
(12) It is beneath him to tell a lie.说谎有失他的身份。
(1) Tm in a hurry.我很急。
(2) Im on a diet.我在节食。
(3) Who is the lady in white?穿白衣服的鄹位小姐是谁?
(4) What do you do at work?你上班干些什么?
(5) I read the newspaper over breakfast.我边吃早饭边看报纸。
(6) You can reach me at6609823.你打电话6609823就能找到我
(7) The whole class is in a heated discussion.全班同学正在热烈讨论。
(8) We were at the movies.我们在看电影。
(9) I work in fashion,我在时装业工作。
(10) T'm gonna be on TV.我要上电视啦!
(11) I was in the shower.我在冲凉。
(12) Listen, since we're on the subject.既然我们谈到了这个话题…
(13) Aren't you supposed to be at an audition?你不是应该去试镜吗?
(14) It,'s kind of far from work.离上班的地方有点远。
(15 )Just write a letter how great I am, try and keep it under a page, if you can.就是写写我有多好之类的,尽你所能,不要超过一页纸。
(16) You just can' t walk ou! on the bil. That's illegal.你不能不付钱就走,这是违法的。
(17)I know the idea of choosing friendship over sex seems like the last thing any guy wants to hear..男人都不愿意听什么要重友轻色之类的话。
(18)She and Marilyn are eating the food from the restaurant. te和 Marilyn正在吃酒店打包来的食物。
3.on,of,in,out,up,down, through等介词通过其空间义转化为形容词或副词,可与系动词b独立搭配使用,运用更加灵活。
(1) Do you know wha' s on tonight?你知道今晚有什么节目吗?
(2)You' re on in two minutes..你两分钟后上场。
(3) Were off.我们要走了。
(4) Carol is off for the whole week. Carol这周全休。
(5) T'm afraid the wedding is o.恐怕婚礼取消了。
(6)You' re never in when i call.我每次打电话你都不在。
(7) Her night is not in yet.她的航班还没有到。
(8) Long hair is in again.长头发又开始流行了
(9)We need to make plans for next week, so are you in or out?
(10)Ⅱ the ball hits you,you'eout.要是球打到你,你就出局了
(l1)Don' you know tight jeans are out?难道你不知道紧身牛仔裤已经过时了吗?
(12) Are the kids stilφp?孩子们还没睡吗?
(13) Is anybody up for a game of tennis?有人想打一场网球比赛
(14)Our computers are down right now so I can't give you an account balance.我们的电脑出故障了,所以我们不能为你提供账户余额信息。
(15) We were donn by17 points at half-time.半场结束,我们落后17分。
(16) I need to use the computer when you're through.等你用完电脑我想用一下。
(17) As much as i hate to admit it, I think were through.尽管一百个不愿意,但我还得承认我们的关系完结了。
1. 中文表达方向的介词比英文少。
2. 大部分英语介词被汉语动词取代。 反之,可以说汉语中相当多的动词是用英语中的介词来表达的。
3. 英语介词不仅可以表达具体的空间概念,还可以扩展很多抽象概念,这是汉语偏用动词的语言所不具备的语言特点。