
全国人民代表大会(the National Peoples Congress, NPC)是由选举产生的代表(elected deputies)组成的
中国人民政治协商会议(the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference, CPPCC)是由邀请来的各个党派、各方面社会的名流以及各方面界别的代表组成的(invited members from non-CPC political parties, mass organizations and different areas)
出席全国人民代表大会(the National Peoples Congress, NPC)是“人大代表”(NPC deputies)
出席中国人民政治协商会议(the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference, CPPCC)的是“政协委员”(CPPCC members)
A motion, after examination by NPC deputies at full meetings of delegates or panel meetings, will be a relevant special committee for further exanimation. The presidium will examine the report from the special committee and decide to submit the motion to a plenary session of the NPC for a vote. Adoption requires a simple majority. As the NPC is the top legislature, an NPC motion becomes legally binding when it is adopted.人大议案提出后,全国人民代表大会各代表团全体会议、代表小组会议对议案进行审议,主席团可以将议案交有关专门委员会进行审议、提出报告,由主席团审议决定提请大会全体会议表决。经表决,议案由全体代表的过半数通过。人民代表大会是最高立法机关,人大代表的议案一经通过,就具有法律效力。
CPPCC members put forward proposals to offer comments and suggestions on major political and social issues of the country to peoples congresses and the government via the CPPCC. There is no restriction on timing, scope or number of sponsoring members. A department in charge of handling proposals is obliged to give a reply to each proposal.政协提案是政协委员向人民政协组织,并通过政协组织向人民代表大会或人民政府就有关国家或地方大政方针、社会生活等重大问题提出意见和建议的形式。提案实行提出提案的时间不限、内容不限、人数不限。专门负责处理提案的部门应该对每个提案都给出答复。
人大代表履行职责、行使权力(fulfil duty and exercise power)
政协委员参政议政(participate in the discussion and the handling of state affairs)
人大代表审议政府工作报告(deliberate government work report)
政协委员讨论政府工作报告(discuss government work report)
人大会议是“X届全国人大X次会议”,比如:今年的人大会议是十三届全国人大四次会议(the Fourth Annual Session of the 13th NPC)
政协会议是“全国政协X届X次会议”, 比如:今年的中国人民政治协商会议是全国政协十三届四次会议(the Fourth Session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee)
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)
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